Archive for the ‘Home Posts’ Category

Credit Migration Overview

Posted on: November 5th, 2014 by Andrew Cox

Credit Migration is how new arrivals to the U.S. like you can save $4,000 to $12,000 in their first year in America. You’ll get early access to the credit you need, save time, and endless frustration, and  learn how to establish, build and protect a great credit score within a  few months of arrival.


Posted on: November 4th, 2014 by Andrew Cox

Do you have a well-established credit history? Do you need and expect hassle free access to mortgages , car finance and credit cards soon after arrival? HeadStart™ is the pre-departure program for you.


Posted on: November 3rd, 2014 by Andrew Cox

JumpStart is designed for foreign nationals inbound to the United States who are doing most of the work themselves. Before you leave your home country, get started developing your U.S. credit profile. Be in the best position possible to get great rates on car loans, the credit cards right for you and insurance.

Credit Builder

Posted on: November 2nd, 2014 by Andrew Cox

In less than 2 hours learn all you need to know to quickly establish, build and protect your U.S. credit score. Workshops are scheduled to suit you and are conveniently delivered online.

After Credit Builder™ you can expect to have a credit score above 700 within 12 months.



Posted on: October 29th, 2014 by Andrew Cox

If you are returning to the U.S. after an overseas assignment, let us help you avoid credit shock on your return by getting your credit profile back on track before you get home.

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