Establishing credit in the U.S. is pretty important for all new arrivals because life without it can be frustrating, and expensive. A good credit score affects much more than the cost of borrowing money. Even if you have no plans to use much credit, building a great credit score will save you money and give you greater choice on many credit score correlated goods and services like insurance, mobile phone plans, and home services like cable, ISP, and utilities.
Make your transition to becoming a local employee as easy as possible by letting Mycredex help you get the basics in place well ahead of time. If you want to get ahead building your U.S. credit, click here to enroll in JumpStart™ and get the conversation started.
Do you already have an extensive credit history in your home country? You might be able to go right ahead and get a mortgage to purchase your home in the U.S. Click HERE for our PiCR program.